Getting ready to show new work…

In three weeks my long wait will be over and my paintings will be on display at the Gallery Above. The paintings have developed through lockdown and beyond when my way of working took a drastic turn. Intuitive Abstract Paintings - paintings that are improvised and each gesture or choice demands a reaction which leads to the next choice of mark, shape or line.

During my foundation I was terrified of starting work, always having an expectation far greater than I could achieve. To conquer the fear I used to cover large canvasses with multiple layers and then see what would emerge. I had been introduced to this at workshops held at the Islington Arts Factory.

I have always loved paint how when layers are added they affect the layers underneath. My initial work was striving for realism and I worked in oils. jump forward to 2020 and the extraordinary leap of faith I took to invest in Nicholas Wilton’s Creative Visionary Programme. (Art2Life)

12 x 12 inch birch panel building the layers


The online class had hardly begun when COVID struck and we were in lockdown. CVP was online and we had live calls several times a week. We were creatives with various levels of experience, from all over the world and all facing the consequences of a Global Pandemic. We painted, and shared and bonded, strangers became friends.

Nick inspired us to dream big and work towards achieving outcomes.

Teahouse of the Blue Lagoon

I painted and painted and painted and began to realise that the process and not the product was the creative spark needed.

Serendipity played a part in that I moved to the beautiful village of Linton in 2021, home to three Galleries. Rosie Wellings who runs Gallery Above invited me to show my paintings.

I look forward to meeting old friends and hope to make new friends during the six weeks that my work will be on display. For more information please email


Memory Hoarding - Good or Bad?


My favourite blue